The End of Nervousness

I've stopped being nervous now.

When it started, I was kind of a mess. Was it real, or was it just something that seemed easy, so why not do it? And that's the thing: it seemed so easy. So easy to slip into, so easy to do. So of course I questioned it. I mean, it was completely different from what I had ever experienced. At least when it came to this. There was usually a lot more interaction, a lot more talking, a lot more...just more. Not really saying it's a bad thing, just different. Different in a way that I was really not used to in the slightest. So it took some adjusting, and anyone who knows me knows that my adjusting means being nervous, not eating, trouble sleeping, etc.

But I'm not nervous anymore.

I don't worry about it not being what I'm used to anymore: it is what it is, and I've accepted it. I've accepted the fact that while it might not be common for me, that doesn't mean that it isn't the same. That because it's shyer or less....intense, for lack of a better word, doesn't mean it's not as important to both.

So I've relaxed, and am just taking it in stride. And I'm happy with that.

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