Why Bother When It's Boring?

Just a warning, this is an emo blog.

Sometimes I wonder why I even bother.

With the communication tools available to people it's a wonder that someone can feel alone. Yet a lot of the time I feel like my identity (at least a network one) is pretty fucking useless. And it makes me realize that I'm really not an interesting person; if anything, I'm a boring one.

Really. One of the worst things is realizing that you're boring.

The fact that you tweet and no one really cares, or you write something on facebook and it's pointless, or, like I'm doing now, you write a blog and realize that NO ONE is going to read it makes me wonder why I even bother.

Of course this is just a projection of me in real life. Because in reality, your network personality is usually a lot more interesting than your actual being because everything can be fabricated.

And based on everything network wise, that is a very, very depressing thought for me.

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