It's Not MY Fault You're An Idiot

Someone, anyone, I beg of you, please explain this to me:

"My fiance-to-be."


How EXACTLY is someone a "fiance-to-be"? Is it because the person who is your "to-be" is too chicken shit to do it now? Because last time I checked there wasn't really a restriction on how long someone could be engaged. It's not like the Spanish Inquisition will come down on your head and shove a hot poker in your ass because you have been engaged longer than a year and a day.

Here are a list of possible excuses that I've come up with:

"He/She/It/They (if you're Mormon) can't afford a ring right now." ....and your point being? I'm pretty damn sure a requirement (unless you're a Housewife of Orange County) of love was not that you had to be loaded. In fact, there are plenty of people who are lower-class to poor that are absolutely in love with their partner, and they realized that they found the person who they want to be with for the rest of their life and they go without a ring; the idea that they are going to get married (once they can afford it) is good enough for them. Screw the bling.

"We don't want to get people's hopes up about the wedding" (an actual excuse that I've heard) I'm sorry, but last time I checked, it was YOUR wedding. Exactly WHOSE hopes don't you have to "get up"? Your parents? Your Aunt Mildred who lived 1,500 miles away? Shut up.

"We're still to young." Enough said.

"We're not quite ready for that." Well, obviously SOMEONE is. One of the two of you (or three, or four, again, if you're Mormon) If the idea is already in someone's head, then one of you is ready. My guess is that you're into it, and the idea scares the hell out of them.

These are just a few excuses that I can think of that people would say "fiance-to-be." Granted, there are probably more, but in reality I honestly don't care. Either it's fiance or not.

And if your excuse matches any of this, then probably not.

1 comment:

  1. The only reasonable excuse I can imagine is "well, I haven't proposed yet, don't tell him/her/them."
