Bullshitting Me = Bullshit.

I hate being bullshitted.

I hate being looked in the eye, and told a flat out lie. I hate when someone is so callous that they think that they can get away with telling me something that is false.

This includes compliments and flattery.

I don't want to hear it if you don't mean it. Don't even tell me that I'm beautiful after walking a mile and a half in the heat, arriving at your friend apartment sweaty and gross, and knowing I've looked better. Don't sit there and tell me that I'm awesome 50 times a day. It's bullshit, and I hate it, and I'm not stupid enough to fall for it.

When I was growing up, I was raised that you need to be honest, and don't lie to people. This includes complimenting someone. I was never complimented just because I was a child and "should be complimented." I was complimented if I earned it. And I completely agree with this. I don't want to be told that I'm good at something if I am terrible at it and need improvement. I don't want you to sit there and tell me that I'm awesome if I just pulled a bitch ass move. It does not endear you to me; it does not make me want to love you more; it makes me angry. I am not a weak ass female that needs to be told 100 times a day that I'm fantastic. Because you know what? I'm not fantastic. There is nothing fantastic about me. I am who I am, and it's nothing special, and I am completely aware of this, and I just don't fucking care.

So take your compliments, and your bullshit, and your ideas that telling me something untrue will get you something good, and shove it up your ass.

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