Intolerance is Intolerance, No Matter the Flavor

This post will piss some people off. Probably a lot of people. However, I am past the point of caring.

Intolerance is intolerance, no matter what flavor you want to call it.

If there is one thing I can't stand in this world, it's religious bigots. I hate you. You sit there and are unaccepting of different ways of life, and you are prejudice for people worshipping the same god in a different way, and you don't realize that just because it's different doesn't mean it's wrong.

However, I hate people who are intolerant of religious people just as much.

I get it. I really do. Jihad, the crusades, the holocaust, it was all based on religion (well, the Holocaust more on political reasons, religion was just an excuse) reasons. However, not all religion is bad. In fact, it's not religion that is bad, it's the extremes that people go to to justify their actions, using religion as an excuse, making it "okay."

I get it. I do.

Yet at the same time, just because someone goes to church, doesn't mean they are this religious fanatic that thinks that gays are all evil and blacks should be lynched. Just because they are religous doesn't mean they think that change is unwelcome and that things that don't directly relate to God are evil. I know plenty of peopl who are religious, and they don't in any way, push their beliefs onto me, or try to convert me, or change me, or whatever.

It is completely fucked up for religious fanatics to blame the state of the world on those who don't recognize God, or Buddha, or Allah, or whatever you want to call it. Yet it is just as fucked up to blame the problems of the world on those who ARE religious.

I'm not really a religious person; when I have a child I will probably baptize them Catholic just because it's a family thing, but whatever, it's tradition (which is another rant for another time.). I do, however, believe there is something greater out there than ourselves. Which is my god given right, no pun intended. As long as someone is not physically harming someone else, what right do you have to persecute them, just because you decide to be an Atheist? It's the same as saying "you belive in the same god, but pray on one knee instead of two, so you are an evil person." Bullshit.

My point is this: if you are so intolerant of religous bigots, I agree with you. I think it's bullshit. But don't make yourself a hypocrite and say that anyone who believes in religion is stupid, dumb, or a fucktard. Because the reality is, we DON'T know what's out there, or who is "right" or "wrong."

My name is Nessa, I'm not really religous, and I approve this message.

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