Two for the Price of One

This is going to be a two part blog. Oh boy.

It's that time of year again.

And every year I do this.

I freak myself out because school is out for a break (this time Summer) and I worry about what I'm going to do with myself. Which is ironic, because during school I complain non-stop about how I can't wait for Summer so I can relax.

The problem is that I don't know how to.

I don't know what to do with myself when I'm not writing something up, or prepping myself to read for my in class quizzes, or worrying about the paper that's due in a week. I don't know what to do with the time that I would have not been going out with friends because I have to do a work-school-work Tuesday. I don't know how to spend my time without feeling like a lazy ass and being totally unproductive.

I usually spend the first week or so cleaning: the bathroom, cleaning out my closet, or my car, or something, anything just to distract myself from the fact I don't have crazy responsibilities. Then I think about what I could do, and it just kind of...bores me. I could catch up on all the TV I missed....oh wait, I don't watch TV. I could read a lot, which I do, but I can't read all the time. I could travel, and I will be doing a bit of that, but I'm so broke it's not even funny; I'll barely afford the trip to Vegas in a month. It's just odd to me, from spending so much time worrying about school and work and juggling the two, to only having to spend 8 hours a day, 5 days a week actually being responsible.

And the best part? Once it's time for school to start, I freak myself out because I forget how to juggle work and school at the same time.

It's such a vicious cycle.

I'd hate to know now what's gonna happen when I graduate.

Ok, part two

So this might be very, very strange coming from me, and I kind of feel bad because I'm so new at this. It's only recently that I've picked you up, and I don't even know all the ins and outs of it. I used to say "psh it'll never happen, not me." but here I find myself unable to not express myself:


What the shit was that tonight? The amount of screw ups tonight even embarrassed me. Church, L2tag bases. The game would have been over and we would have won. Remember, last week, while playing the Braves, when Escobar underestimated you and you threw that crazy pitch and got him out? THAT, was fantastic. THIS, however, was the opposite. I am very disappointed in you; and you nearly gave my boyfriend a heart attack.

And Pagan and Beltran. Oooh...Pagan and Beltran. I don't even know what to say. That was almost comical, if it hadn't been so sad. I was actually expecting you guys to collide with each other; I probably would have at least laughed at that one. So you guys, L2call it and listen.

Finally, the throw that ended the game. Pingel totally called it. "They're gonna throw it over Castro's head." And what do you know? Reed throws it to Castro, Castro dives, and it goes right over him. *sigh* I don't even know what to tell you to l2do.

Oh Mets.


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